
Sorry all you loyal blog readers. We took a little break and now we're back.
Since we've been back from Tucson:
1. Dad went to uncle Tannin's wedding in Calgary.
2. Mum won a MTB race (Dad's first DNF due to branch in the wheel breaking 5 spokes 1/4 mile into the race)
3. Carter turned 7 with a camping party at Timber Ridge logging in at least 15 hours of dodge ball.
4. Jameson graduated from dad school while Carter graduated from first grade.
5. Mum turned 37 (old!)
6. Carter won first bike race. Tour de Mont Pleasant crit.
7. Dad upgraded to category 2 after many years of trying. Guess it was the new bike!
8. Lots and lots of skate park time and finally the weather is getting nice enough to go to the beach.
We promise to be better about blogging. Thanks for reading...


The A Team said...

YAY!!!!!!! You are back!
Great pictures, and sounds like life has been fantastic!
Hello to all of you!

Soley said...

Hey we have the same tent!! Glad to see you back...I've been out too.